5 Best Home Remedies for Termites

5 Best Home Remedies for Termites

Termites are a common problem in many homes, often causing significant damage before they are even spotted. In fact, termites tend to cause $40 billion in damage globally. 

While professional pest control services are effective, there are also several ways to get rid of termites that can help you manage and prevent termite infestations. 

These home remedies for termites are easy to prepare and use, making them a great first line of defense against these destructive pests.

Why Should You Use Home Remedies to Prevent Termites?

Why Should You Use Home Remedies to Prevent Termites

Once you spot the termites, incorporating the home remedies for preventing termites offers several advantages – making them a lucrative option for many homeowners:

  • Cost-Effective: Most home remedies utilize materials that are readily available and inexpensive. This affordability allows for frequent and widespread use without significant financial strain.
  • Ease of Use: Home remedies for termites often involve simple, easy-to-follow procedures that can be performed without professional assistance. This do-it-yourself approach is convenient and allows for immediate action.
  • Minimal Risk of Toxicity: Home remedies reduce the risk of exposure to toxic substances that are often found in commercial termite treatments. This is particularly important in maintaining a healthy living environment.
  • Preventive Measure: Using home remedies for termites as a preventive measure can deter termite infestation before it becomes a larger problem, potentially saving significant costs and effort in long-term structural repairs.
  • Safer for Household Use: Opting for natural or less harsh methods can minimize health risks associated with toxic chemicals, particularly in homes with children, pets, or sensitive individuals.

The Best Home Remedies for Termites

The Best Home Remedies for Termites

Check out some of the best home remedies for termites that can help you:

1. Vinegar Solution

Vinegar, a common household item, serves as an effective home remedy for termites due to its acetic acid content. This acid is detrimental to termites, leading to their erosion and eventual death.


  • Mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a container.
  • Enhance effectiveness by adding a few drops of lemon juice, which increases the solution’s acidity.


  • Directly spray onto visible termites for immediate effect.
  • Apply to areas of suspected termite activity, such as wooden structures, foundations, or damp spots.
  • Regular application is key – once daily for optimal results.
  • Use as a preventative measure by routinely spraying around potential entry points and areas prone to termite attraction.

2. Boric Acid

Boric acid is a highly effective natural remedy for controlling termite infestations. It works by dehydrating the termites and disrupting their nervous systems, ultimately eradicating them. This method is slow-acting but offers long-term effectiveness.


  • Mix one teaspoon of boric acid powder with eight ounces of warm water.
  • Ensure the boric acid is fully dissolved in the water by stirring well.


  • Apply the solution to wooden surfaces or termite-infested areas using a brush or spray bottle for thorough coverage.
  • Create bait stations by soaking wood or cardboard in the boric acid solution and placing them near infestation zones. This attracts termites, who ingest the boric acid.
  • Repeat applications regularly, especially in areas with severe infestations, to maintain effectiveness.
  • Use boric acid as a preventative measure by applying it around the perimeter of your home and in potential entry points for termites.

3. Orange Oil

Orange oil, extracted from orange peels, is a natural, eco-friendly remedy for termites. It contains D-limonene, a compound lethal to termites, as it damages their exoskeletons and disrupts their metabolic processes.


  • Obtain concentrated orange oil.
  • Dilute the orange oil with water as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Typical dilution ratio: a few drops of orange oil per cup of water, but may vary.


  • Dilute the orange oil following the specific instructions.
  • Pour the diluted solution into a spray bottle.
  • Spray directly on infested areas and potential entry points, like window frames.
  • Reapply as needed for persistent infestations.
  • Handle with caution to avoid inhalation or skin contact.

4. Neem Oil

Neem oil, derived from the seeds of the neem tree, is a natural, environmentally friendly solution for treating termite infestations. It is recognized for its pesticide and insecticidal properties. The active components in neem oil disrupt termites’ hormones and biological processes, leading to their death.


  • Purchase concentrated neem oil from a garden store or online.
  • Dilute the neem oil with water, following the specific instructions on the product. A common ratio is 2 tablespoons of neem oil per gallon of water.


  • Identify active termite areas, such as hollow wood, mud tubes, or visible termites.
  • Apply the diluted neem oil solution liberally to these areas using a spray bottle.
  • Repeat the application every few days or as needed.
  • Regularly monitor the treated areas to observe a reduction in termite activity over time.

5. Wet Cardboard Trap

The wet cardboard trap is an eco-friendly and straightforward approach for attracting and capturing termites. Utilizing termites’ preference for cellulose, which is plentiful in cardboard, this method becomes more effective when the cardboard is moistened, enhancing its allure for termites.


  • Obtain one or two large pieces of corrugated cardboard, preferably flat and stackable.
  • Thoroughly soak the cardboard in water until damp, but avoid excessive dripping.


  • Position the wet cardboard near suspected termite hotspots, like near damaged wood, mud tubes, or foundation walls.
  • Regularly inspect the trap, ideally daily.
  • Upon discovering termites on the cardboard, immediately remove it and exterminate the termites by burning the cardboard or submerging it in water for an extended period.
  • If termites persist, replace with a new wet cardboard trap and continue monitoring.

Guard Your Property Against Termites With Truly Pest Solution!

Guard Your Property Against Termites With Truly Pest Solution!

Dealing with flying termites or the usual ones promptly and effectively is crucial to prevent extensive damage to your property. While home remedies for termites offer temporary relief, consulting with a professional pest control service is often necessary for complete eradication. Regular inspections and preventive measures can go a long way in keeping your home free of termites.

Truly Pest Solution offers more than just a pest control service; it’s a commitment to maintaining a termite-free environment. We specialize in tackling termites’ unique challenges with innovative, eco-friendly, and hassle-free solutions. Our approach is designed to minimize the use of chemicals, ensuring the safety and well-being of your space.

We provide tailored, research-driven, eco-friendly, and hassle-free services to prevent termites. With Truly Termite Control plan, we offer a safe, efficient, and technologically advanced method to prevent termites in your home and maintain a safe environment. 

Contact us and Book a Meeting now!







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