
How To Avoid Ants At Home


So, you’ve stumbled upon that all-too-familiar sight again, haven’t you? 

A sneaky trail of ants making their way across your kitchen counter, or perhaps a few adventurous ones exploring your living room. 

It’s a scene many of us know all too well. 

These tiny critters can be quite the uninvited guests when they decide to set up camp in your home. And let’s be honest, while they’re quite professional in their colony, they’re not exactly the roommates we asked for!

In this blog, we’re going to spill the beans on some of the best, safest, and most effective methods on how to avoid ants at home.

Whether you’re battling a full-blown infestation or just looking for preventive measures, we’ve got you covered.

Understanding Ants

Believe it or not, ants have been around for about 140 million years. That’s way before humans even showed up! Each ant has a specific role, from the queen being the sole reproducer to workers who gather food and soldiers who protect the colony.

Ants’ diets vary widely based on their species and environment. While some are strictly herbivores, feeding on plant juices or fungi, others are predators, hunting smaller insects. Many ants are scavengers, consuming whatever food they can find, which often leads them into our homes.

Health Risks Of Ant Infestations


Ant infestations cause the following health risks:

  • Skin Rashes and Infections

Not all ants bite or sting, but the ones that do can be a real pain, quite literally. Their bites or stings can leave red, itchy spots on your skin. Scratching these areas, especially with dirty hands, can introduce bacteria and lead to infections. It’s essential to clean any ant bites with antiseptic and resist the urge to scratch, no matter how itchy it gets.

  • Allergic Reactions

Some people have more severe reactions to ant bites or stings. Instead of just a small, itchy bump, they might experience swelling in larger areas, intense itching all over, dizziness, or even difficulty breathing. This is a sign of an allergic reaction, and seeking medical attention is crucial.

  • Food Borne Diseases

Ants roam around, from garbage bins to uncovered food, picking up all sorts of germs along the way. When they walk over your food, they can transfer these germs, potentially leading to diseases. Consuming contaminated food can result in stomach upsets, food poisoning, or other illnesses. It’s not just a matter of a ruined meal; it’s a health risk that can be avoided by ensuring food is stored securely.

  • Electrical Damage

Now, this is a sneaky one. Some ants are strangely attracted to electrical equipment and often end up making their nests there. They can crawl into devices, chew through wires, and cause all sorts of havoc. This can lead to your gadgets malfunctioning, short circuits, or even electrical fires.

Identifying Signs Of Ant Infestations


Ants might be small, but when they decide to move in, they sure do leave some telltale signs. If you’re wondering whether you’ve got an ant problem, here’s what to look out for:

  • Visible Ant Trails: Probably the most obvious sign. If you see a line of ants marching along, especially in your kitchen or bathroom, they’re likely on a food or water mission. They follow scent trails left by scout ants to find sources of food.
  • Ant Nests: These can look different depending on the ant species. Some ants build little mounds of dirt or sand outside, which are easy to spot. Others might nest in hidden areas like wall cavities or under floors.
  • Wood Shavings: Carpenter ants, which dig into wood to create their nests, often leave behind a fine, sawdust-like material. If you find mysterious piles of this near the wooden area of your home, it might be a sign.
  • Damaged Food Packages: Found a bag of chips or a box of cereal with tiny holes? Ants could be the culprits. They can chew through packaging to get to the food inside.
  • Hearing Rustling Sounds: In heavy infestations, especially with larger ants, you might hear faint rustling noises inside your walls or floors. It’s the sound of them moving around in their nests.
  • Ant Wings: Some ants, like flying ants, shed their wings. If you find tiny wings around your home, especially near windows or light sources, it could be a sign of an ant infestation.
  • Unusual Pet Behavior: If you have pets, watch their behavior. If ants are present, they might be more interested in a particular spot on the floor or wall. Cats or dogs might sniff or paw at areas where ants are active.

Remember, the sooner you spot an ant infestation, the easier it’ll be to deal with. So, keep an eye out for these signs and take action if you think these tiny invaders are setting up in your home!

Safe And Effective Ant Prevention Strategies


No one likes uninvited guests, especially when they’re ants! Keeping these tiny invaders at bay doesn’t have to involve harsh chemicals or complicated methods. Here are some simple and safe strategies to prevent ants from making your home theirs:

  • Keep It Clean: Ants are always on the hunt for food. Regularly wipe down counters, sweep floors, and clean up any spills. Make sure to clean those hard-to-reach spots, like under appliances, where crumbs can accumulate.
  • Store Food Properly: Use airtight containers for storing food, especially sweets or pet food. This not only keeps the food fresh but also makes it harder for ants to sniff out a meal.
  • Seal Entry Points: Do a little detective work and find out where the ants are coming in. Once you’ve found their entry points, seal them up. This can be cracks in the walls, gaps in window frames, or holes in the foundation. Caulk or sealant works great for this.
  • Natural Repellents: Some natural substances can deter ants. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth, lemon juice, or peppermint oil around entry points. Ants don’t like walking over these, and they’ll think twice before crossing.
  • Maintain Your Yard: Ants often start outside before finding their way in. Keep bushes and trees trimmed so they don’t touch your home. Also, avoid piling mulch or leaves right next to your home’s foundation.
  • Remove Attraction Points: If you have a habit of leaving pet food out, consider feeding your pets at specific times and removing the leftovers. Also, fix any leaky pipes or faucets; ants are not just after food but water too!
  • Use Baits Wisely: If you need to resort to ant baits, choose ones safe for indoor use and keep them out of reach of kids and pets. The idea is that worker ants take the bait back to the colony, helping to eliminate the source of the infestation.

Regular Inspections: Every once in a while, do a thorough check of your home, especially the kitchen, bathroom, and basement. Catching a potential ant problem early can save a lot of hassle later on.

Intelligent Snow Gel Service For Ants By Truly Pest Solution


The Intelligent Snow Gel Service (ISGS) offers a modern and effective method to tackle ant infestations.

This innovative service merges the latest technology with a specialized application process, guaranteeing the thorough removal of ants and ensuring they don’t return.

Here’s a closer look at the ISGS process:

Step 1: Initial Assessment

Once you reach out to us, our dedicated team will set up a visit to your property. A trained expert will then take a good look around, figuring out how big the ant issue is and spotting the main hangout spots.

Step 2: Tailored Treatment Plan

Following the inspection, a customized treatment strategy using ISGS will be devised. We’ll make sure this plan fits your property’s specific needs, focusing on using our snow gel bait in the best way possible.

Step 3: Precise Gel Application

The ISGS method involves the right placement of the dust and gel bait. This bait is positioned around the perimeter area of the structure visited by ants. 

We treat the source of the problem, not only the area in which the ants are foraging. Our pest management experts aim to identify and treat all ant colonies in that area to prevent frequent infestations.

Step 4: Bait Consumption

The bait is a non-toxic, eco-friendly, and non-hazardous mineral with a long-lasting effect. It targets insects in various developmental stages and is non-repellent.

Its primary purpose is to attract ants, encouraging them to consume it. Instead of using chemical sprays, the bait is strategically set to directly attract and manage the ant population.

Step 5: Secondary Transmission

Ants carry the gel back to their colonies, unknowingly transferring it to other ants, including the queen and larvae.

Step 6: Thorough Control

As the active component circulates within the colony, it ensures the total control of ants, even those in difficult-to-access areas. 

Benefits Of Using ISGS

The benefits of ISGS for ant infestations are as follows:

  • Targeted and Precise Action

ISGS is formulated to attract ants specifically. When ants come into contact with the gel, they unknowingly carry it back to their colonies. This targeted approach ensures the entire ant population, including the queen and larvae, is affected.

  • Colony control

Traditional ant control methods may only address the visible ants that are foraging for food. ISGS, on the other hand, reaches the heart of the problem – the ant colonies. By preventing and controlling  colonies, the source of the infestation is effectively eradicated.

  • Long-lasting Protection

ISGS creates a protective barrier that remains effective for an extended period. This prolonged efficacy helps prevent new ant colonies from establishing themselves in and around your home.

  • Safe for Humans and Pets

One of the standout benefits of ISGS is its safety profile. It is designed to be non-toxic to humans and pets, making it an excellent option for households with children and animals.


Tired of ants in your home?

Our approach is customized, backed by science, and designed for your convenience to keep ants at bay.

Through our ISGS system,  Truly Pest Solution delivers a cutting-edge, safe, and effective way to shield your home from ants, ensuring a secure space for you.

Adopting these preventive measures is a commitment to your home’s well-being and safety. 

Safeguard your loved ones from potential health risks and enjoy a spotless, welcoming home atmosphere.

Contact us and Book a Meeting now!






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