How to get rid of lizards

How to Get Rid of Lizards: A Comprehensive Guide

While lizards play a crucial role outdoors by keeping the insect population in check, their sudden appearances on our walls or floors can be quite a surprise, and not always a pleasant one. These little reptiles have been a part of our ecosystem for millions of years – however, when they transition from our gardens to our living rooms, or even to food establishments (if you’re curious about that, read our guide on  How To Control Pests In Restaurants: 5 Effective Methods), it raises the age-old question: “how to get rid of lizards?”

For those seeking a balance between coexisting with nature and maintaining a space without lizards, this guide offers effective strategies to ensure it remains a no-entry zone for them.

5 Tips to Get Rid of Lizards

Check out the five best tips on how to get rid of lizards:

1. Keep Your Surroundings Clean

Keep your surroundings clean

Maintaining cleanliness is essential for a comfortable living and working environment. By regularly tidying up, storing food properly, and disposing of waste, you can prevent pests and create a healthier space. 

  • Eliminate Food Sources: As highlighted in the blog, “Why Are Pests Attracted To Food Premises And How To Control Them?“, food remnants and unclean spaces are a magnet for various pests. This principle isn’t limited to just common pests like cockroaches or rodents. The primary reason lizards venture indoors is to hunt for food. Insects, particularly small ones like ants, mosquitoes, and moths, are a primary food source for many lizards. By maintaining a clean space, regularly sweeping and vacuuming, and ensuring that leftover food particles are disposed of promptly, you can significantly decrease the number of insects, which in turn will make it less appealing to lizards.
  • Store Food Properly: It’s crucial to store food appropriately to prevent attracting both insects and lizards. Ensure that all edibles, especially those left on countertops or open shelves, are sealed in airtight containers. This not only keeps your food fresh but also ensures that its aroma doesn’t attract unwanted pests. Remember, even seemingly insignificant food items like crumbs or spills can be an open invitation for insects, and where there are insects, lizards are sure to follow.
  • Regular Pest Control: Schedule regular pest control checks, focusing on natural and non-toxic methods. By controlling the insect population, you make your space far less inviting to lizards. This doesn’t necessarily mean using harmful chemicals; there are plenty of eco-friendly and organic pest control methods available today that are effective without harming the environment or your health. If you’re curious about how pricing for such services works, our blog on Understanding Pest Control Prices: What You Need To Know provides valuable insights.
  • Manage Waste: Properly manage and dispose of household waste. Regularly take out the trash, ensure garbage bins are sealed, and consider composting organic waste. These steps can deter insects, subsequently reducing the primary food source for lizards.

2. Seal Points of Entry

Seal points of entry

Ensuring a secure barrier between the interior of a structure and the external environment is crucial for effectively reducing unwanted intrusions of these lizards. This involves a thorough inspection of the doors, windows, vents, and walls, and then using appropriate materials like caulk, weather stripping, or screens to block these access points. 

  • Check Gaps: One of the primary ways lizards enter our spaces is through unnoticed gaps and holes. These can be around doors, windows, or even in the foundation. Regularly inspect your home’s exterior and interior for such vulnerabilities. Once identified, seal these gaps using caulk, weather stripping, or other appropriate materials to ensure a strong barrier.
  • Use Screens: Windows and ventilation openings are common access points for lizards. It’s essential to make sure all these openings have screens that are in good condition. Opt for fine mesh screens as they not only prevent lizards from entering but also reduce the number of smaller insects that might make their way in. Periodically inspect these screens for tears or damages and repair or replace them as needed.
  • Door Sweeps: An often overlooked entry point is the gap under doors. Installing door sweeps can be a significant deterrent, ensuring that lizards and other pests don’t slip through these spaces.
  • Regular Maintenance: As with most things, wear and tear can result in new entry points over time. Regular maintenance and checks, especially after extreme weather conditions, can help in promptly identifying and rectifying any new vulnerable spots, keeping lizards at bay.

3. Use Natural Repellents

Use natural repellents

Opt for eco-friendly and harmless deterrents by leveraging the repelling properties of common household items. From the aroma of coffee grounds to the pungent scents of garlic and onions, these natural methods offer a non-toxic approach to keep lizards at bay. 

  • Coffee: Lizards are repelled by the aroma of coffee. You can sprinkle them around common lizard entry points such as doors, windows, or any gaps and can also mix it with tobacco powder for better results. 
  • Garlics and Onions: The pungent smell of these kitchen staples is off-putting to lizards. Slice the garlic cloves or onions and place them near windows, doors, or other areas where lizards are frequent.
  • Pepper Spray: The pepper spray irritates the skin and the eye of the lizards, deterring them from coming close to targeted areas. 

4. Change Your Lights

Change your lights

Bright outdoor lights act like magnets for bugs. When these bugs gather around, they naturally attract lizards looking for a meal. One simple way to stop this cycle is to adjust your lighting. Using fewer lights outside or even switching to yellow lights can make a big difference.

  • LED Lights: Consider LED lights with a warm color temperature. They emit less of the blue and ultraviolet light that attracts insects, and in turn, insects attract lizards.
  • Light Placement: Position outdoor lights away from the space, like on poles or at the edge of the yard, which draws bugs away from your entrance.
  • Timed Lighting: Using lights with timers or motion sensors ensures that lights are on only when you want it, reducing the time when insects are not supposed to be around.

5. Professional Pest Control Services

 Professional Pest Control Services

Lizards love to feast on bugs and insects! So, if your home is a breeding ground for spiders, cockroaches and ants – then there’s hardly any permanent solution to keep the lizards at bay. 

If you have filled your search history with “how to get rid of lizards”, then the first step will be to manage the pest infestations from source. While minor remedies can work temporarily, eradicating it from source calls for experts. 

Professional pest control services specialize in safely and effectively removing these pest infestations and use proven methods to ensure there are no traces left behind that might end up attracting the lizards.

Here’s why you should consult the professionals:

  • Expertise: Professional pest control services have trained technicians with expertise in dealing with various pests, ensuring efficient and safe removal.
  • Proper Identification: They can accurately identify the species of each pest and tailor their approach to address the specific problem, as different pests may require different treatment methods.
  • Safety: Professionals use safe and approved methods and chemicals, minimizing health risks to you, your family, and pets.
  • Customized Solutions: They offer customized solutions, addressing the root cause of the infestation, rather than just treating the temporary symptoms, to prevent future occurrences.
  • Efficiency: Professionals have access to specialized equipment and techniques that make the removal process more efficient and effective.

Don’t Let Pests Invade Your Personal Space – Trust Truly Pest Solution

Don't let pests invade your personal space - Truly Pest Solution

While it’s entirely possible to implement many of the strategies listed above on your own, there’s nothing like the assurance of expert intervention, especially if your space is frequently visited by pests. The presence of lizards often indicates underlying issues, which could mean more extensive pest problems.

Truly Pest Solution stands out when it comes to professional pest control services, offering a holistic approach to ensure not only the immediate removal of pests but also strategies to prevent their future incursions. Our eco-friendly and sustainable methods guarantee safety for both your family and the environment. Our trained professionals come with years of experience and expertise who have a keen knowledge of pest behavior and are adept at leveraging advanced solutions to tackle infestations of all kinds.

Don’t let the stress of pests overshadow your comfort and peace of mind. Let the experts handle it! Reach out to Truly Pest Solution for a free inspection and find out how we can help create a more comfortable, and safe environment for you and the ones you care about.

Book a free inspection today!







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